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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Anime Boys VS. Real Boys

Still waiting for your future boyfriend to stop playing hide-and-seek in your favorite anime show?

Everyone wishes to find their dream guy, soul mate, or future husband someday, right? Even I admit to wonder if I've already met that guy. That would be weird yet cool in a sense. Ha,  I bet you a million imaginary bucks that I shall stay forever alone and be single and die alone in this lonely world. Maybe that's getting a bit too melodramatic, eh?

Whenever I picture of my guy, an anime character always pops into my head. Always. Never some guy in my school or some attractive actor. Most probably some blue-haired anime boy with a mysterious/dark attitude... I dunno why, but I always like those silent characters the best. Adds more mystery and suspense to him.

Pros and Cons of 'Real' Boys 

Daniel Padilla


- actually lives in this Earth and not some alternative universe with fantasy creatures/vampires/angels/werewolves
- can communicate to them and get a reply back
- made out of flesh and blood not pixels from the screen
- can confess to you if feel the same way
- like to play sports and may be physically good looking at times
- love to show off and impress their friends or crushes
- acts fearless when they actually are scared because apparently it's not 'manly' to be afraid
- doesn't cry for the same reason mentioned above^  
- physically strong


- can act mean to you whenever they want
- has the ability to call you names such as 'ugly'
- teases people
- breaks girls' hearts when they do not reciprocate their feelings
- acts like douchebags that have 'swag' 
- try to act cool when in reality, they're only acting like retarded idiots
- low rides and shows their boxers with pride
- very rude and burps out loud
- pimples/acne
- puberty (voice cracks, pitch changes of voice)

Pros and Cons of Anime Boys


- extremely kawaii and hot
- always likes at least one girl
- generally polite
- nice
- cool
- sometimes mysterious
- always has no acne
- adorable
- athletic
- sometimes intelligent, sometimes average, sometimes plain stupid depending on who it is
- good looking
- attractive
- kawaii
- can't reject 'real' girls


- not real
- cannot communicate to them
- made out of pixels
- can't meet them in reality
- not real human beings 


A Werewolf Boy

The Cute Kanata Hongo, Japanese Actor

Lee Min Ho

Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight

Some random anime character that I find cute.

Nicholas Hoult

Sorry for all these random photos of anime guys and real attractive guys... hehehe. As you can see, there are way more pros to anime boys than real boys and loads of more cons for 'real' guys. Personally, I even like prefer anime guys over real guys. What do you prefer? But then again, there are some really hot cosplay boys out there... 

Quote of the Day:

"Nothing that happens is ever forgotten, even if you can't remember it."

~ Spirited Awa